Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Fun

Since I am waaaay behind on keeping up the blog, I'm going to do one big post with a bunch of pics from all our fun over the last month! It's been busy, but fun! I think we are all ready, however, to get back to a bit more of a routine schedule with preschool starting soon!
We went to a kids' concert at the Kirkland waterfront and Emmie has gotten so brave around the water - she actually waded in up to her chest!

Fun playdate at Lola and Abbey's house

Family hike to Denny Creek and the natural waterslides ... lots of fun, minus the million flies!

Emmie and Rhea watching the Blue Angels

Emmie went to an adorable tea party with all the little girls from her new preschool that she will start in a couple weeks!

Great-grandma Shaha and great-uncle Bill came for a visit.

We went blueberry picking - do you think Emmie had a few to eat?! :)

Great-grandma Evie came for a visit, too!

Our sweet little angel :)

Lots of summertime fun with Jordyn - they are pretending to be mermaids.

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