Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hayden is 9 months old!

Our little munchkin is getting big fast! We have seen alot of firsts in the last month - Hayden started crawling, got her first two teeth, began pulling up to standing, clapping and pointing! She has also added "uh-oh" to her vocabulary, except it mostly comes out as "uh!" when she drops things on purpose to see our reaction.

This little baby is so physically capable of everything, we are always amazed! She is SO fast at crawling, pulling up and sitting down is no problem at all, she crawls all over us and everything, climbs into things, out of things, and when we're outside or on the hardwood floor, she "walks" on all fours so as to avoid hurting her knees! It's amazing to watch. It has also been fun to watch Emmie and Hayden interact on a new level now - they actually play together and it is too cute to watch. Emmie, of course, loves to 'teach' Hayden everything she knows!

As always, miss Hayden continues to have the best personality - she is so easy-going and always has a huge smile on her face! We love her so much!

Here are her stats at 9 months:

Height - 28.75" - 90th %
Weight - 18.5 lbs - 50th %
Head - 90 % (big like Emmie's!)

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