Miss Hayden is now 10 months old! It seems like I say the same thing about her every month, but it's still true - she is such a fun, happy go lucky baby! She makes us laugh constantly and we love her to pieces.
This month she began sharing a room with big sister, which was a risk for us all! However, so far, it's turned out to be alot of fun. Hayden is sleeping pretty well, just up every few nights once or twice, and it never seems to wake Emmie, thankfully! My favorite thing about them sharing a room is to hear them "talking" to each other when they wake up in the morning. I am always so tired in the morning that it buys me a few extra minutes of laying in bed while I listen to them chat away with Emmie calling out "good morning sis!" and Hayden responding with lots of shrieks and clapping. This continues for 10 mintues or so until Hayden remembers that Emmie cannot actually get her out of her crib, and then it turns into crying so mommy will come get her out to play!
Hayden has perfected the art of "turbo crawling" - she is sooo fast it's hard to keep up, and she is still into everything, putting it all into her mouth so fast that I'm sure she's managed to sneak in quite a few pieces of fuzz, dirt or leftover cheerios off the floor before I notice her! Her little stubborn streak shows itself when I say "Hayden, no, no no" when she's trying to put something in her mouth, and she responds by shaking her head and laughing at us! She is pushing her walker along like a champ and it was the oddest thing to see her take off doing that for the first time! Her best new trick, though, is giving kisses! If we say "Hayden, give me kisses!" she will plant a huge slobbery one on us - basically she just opens her mouth wide, sticks out her tongue and licks us! It is so sweet and cute and wet!