Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dad's First Post

mom's been having all the fun posting to the blog so I wanted a turn. I just wanted to say it's been awesome to watch these two kids so far as they grow up. Emmie is just too dang smart for her own good and really knows how to give daddy the "manipulation eyes". If anyone needs any training or work on your closing skills for a career in sales - Emmie can teach you her patented method of spinning a phrase 300 ways from Sunday until you get what you want. She constantly amazes me. Recently I was told "Dad - you have to start putting a trash bag back in the garbage can when you take out the trash". I was so impressed with her ability to mimic her mother.

Hayden has just turned into the cutest baby. Of course we don't really "know" her yet and I am so excited to find out what her personality will be like, but for now she just loves to smile and make the cutest noises. She can really carry on a "coo-nversation". get it? like the "coo" noise that baby's mak.... ah forget it, bad joke. She too has those big blue eyes that are going to make dad's life wonderfully miserable and I think someone spilled Miracle-Gro on her eye lashes because they go on for miles. She is strong and active and you can tell she already wants to get up and get things. Her sister on the other hand came equipped with the ambition of a snail when it came to moving, so this time around is a bit different for us with a kid that wants to move!

I am so glad Hayden is over her acid reflux/collic issues (knock on wood). Before the last few months, I never knew why parents made such a fuss over kids with collic... I always thought to myself "how bad could it be to have a funny swirl in their hair ???? Sure, you'll need more hair gel and maybe have to style it in a way that doesn't make it stick up, but then again Dennis The Menace turned his into an iconic symbol of the 50's so it it's not always bad?". Now I know better.

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