Well, the first month went by very quickly... the second month, well, a bit of a different story! We had quite a rough time over the last few weeks that started with Hayden getting a really nasty cold, which of course, is no good for a 6 week old! It was a rough time for all of us, especially poor little Hayden as she suffered through having a rough time breathing, enough to scare Nate and I to death a few times! Thankfully, though, she pulled through and got over the cold, but the extreme fussiness continued with nightly bouts of screaming for hours. Needless to say, Nate and I were EXHAUSTED after a couple weeks of this, so we finally took her in, and the doctor had us try medication for acid reflux, which has worked like a charm!! Yay!!
So after a very rough few weeks in which I was wondering if I was cut out to be a mom of two :), we have a very happy and pretty easy baby, which has been wonderful! She is sleeping 7 hour stretches at night, so of course we are thrilled about that.
Here are Hayden's stats at 2 months:
Height - 22 1/2 inches - 55%
Weight - 11 lbs. 4 oz - 70%
Head - 15 1/2 inches - 50% (a bit smaller than her sister's who was always in the 90th %!!)
Below are a few pics of Hayden at 2 months, and Emmie at 2 months at this link - Hayden is a bit more roly-poly than Emmie was! :)
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