Our girls are growing up so fast! It's funny to say that Emmie just turned 3, because in so many ways, it seems like she's been 3 forever. She acts so much older than her age in so many ways, that we have to remind ourselves sometimes that she is still our little girl! She had a fun and eventful year, with many fun holidays, trips to Mexico and Arizona, starting preschool, and of course, getting a new baby sister! She has handled it all so well, and have loved every minute of watching her grow, even though she acts more like a 10 year old than a 3 year old at times! We have so much fun having funny conversations with Emmie, her ability to grasp big concepts and be aware of others' thoughts and feelings is amazing to us. Of course, along with turning 3 come some not so fun, and challenging battles! Emmie has become quite the little drama queen lately, and we never know just what's going to set her off, but I suppose that comes with the territory, and we will get through it sooner or later. :)
We had her birthday party at Little Gym on Sunday - here are a few pics of her and all her friends and family enjoying the fun!

She was so exhausted after all the fun that she fell asleep in the car on the way home!
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