We've had a fun few weeks playing and enjoying the great Fall weather and getting ready for baby Hayden to arrive!
We helped Grandma Betty pick out pumpkins.

The park has been my favorite activity with all the nice weather - I love climbing the big spider web at the train park in Issaquah ...

and playing with my friend and neighbor Jordyn.

I got new rain gear and I'm obsessed with wearing it all! Daddy takes me on fun rain walks and I LOVE jumping in the puddles.

We also went to Salmon Days in Issaquah, where I had a blast despite the pouring rain and wind, and I ate my weight in curly fries and strawberry shortcake!

When I'm not playing outside, my favorite activity these days is art, art and more art. I love painting, drawing, cutting and gluing, and would do it all day if mommy and daddy would let me!